
Productivity vs Activity

productivity vs activity

In this real estate vlog Henry shares his ideas on how to become more productive and achieve more in a shorter space of time. Here’s Productivity vs Activity.

“Hi, welcome to another episode of Henry’s Thoughts.

Before we go any further, please follow us @thehenrywongteam, where you’ll get insights as to how I think, real estate, and life.

Today, we’ll be talking about productivity versus activity. What I mean by that is it’s not what you do during the day that counts, it’s actually the results that you actually bank.

Now, myself being in the real estate profession, I don’t get paid by coming to work early, finishing late, making calls. I only get paid when I list, I sell, that’s the only way I get paid. I literally get paid on results. If I’m not good enough, there’s no money, I’m actually broke. So that’s one of the main differences between productivity and activity. Don’t focus on the activity too much. Focus on the results.

When you actually are productive, you need to get more done in a short space of time. Have you figured how some people can get things done in one hour, when others take five hours? To improve your efficiency, you need to be able to comprehend things faster, to move faster.

In this day and age, we use software a lot. I actually know how to touch type. And I’m not to kind of self-promote over here, but what I’m saying is that touch typing is a necessary skill, especially if you’re using computers a lot. And when you can touch type 85 to 90 words per minute, at 95 to 98% accuracy, you can move pretty quickly compared to someone else who’s doing this, if you know what I mean. So that means you can actually get more things done in a shorter space of time.

The same thing is if you can read a lot of books, you can speed read, you can read things faster. If you read five pages in one hour, and another person reads that same five pages in three hours, who moves faster? The faster that you move, the faster that you can get things done, and the faster you can get results.

So that’s what I mean by being more efficient. So when you’re trying to improve your efficiency, you’re trying to improve on, in this day and age, how fast you can type, and another thing is how fast you can read.

What has worked really well is when you read a lot of books, when you listen to a lot of podcasts, you actually understand or get a grasp of concepts. You see everything in life, there’s certain different concepts. And when you can grasp concepts and comprehend things quickly, then you can actually move things faster. You can also learn how to express yourself a lot more. Especially when you’re in the field, when you have to deal with face-to-face communication, or you’re dealing with people as part of your profession.

So that’s my take on productivity vs activity. If you have any other questions at all, feel free to contact me.”