
How to Check a Real Estate Agent’s Website

If a real estate agent takes their marketing seriously, they’ll have a good website. And if they’re good at marketing themselves, they’ll be good at marketing your home. Here’s what to look for in their website. “Hi, I’m Henry Wong. We’re here to research a real estate agent. Now we’ve actually been through in a…Read More→

How to Check Your Agent’s Online Reviews

Customer feedback is an important way to check out a real estate agent before you enlist their services. You should always check out the online reputation of an agent before you sell your home with them. Here Henry tells you how. “Hi, I’m Henry Wong. We’re here to have a look at how to check…Read More→

Marketing to Rich Chinese Buyers

It’s been official for a long time now: wealthy Chinese buyers are a big player in the Australian real estate market, and their competitive contribution has helped drive our prices upwards. That’s set to continue this year, as the Chinese, who are only getting richer, continue to view Australia as a favourable investment alternative for…Read More→

Premium Price Equals Attention to Detail

In life and in business when we set high standards for our self, we reap what we sow. When you pay for a luxury vehicle such as Mercedes Benz, Porsche or BMW, you know without a doubt you’re getting the epitome of quality, craftsmanship and detail. When we fly business class on Qantas or Emirates,…Read More→

Buying Your First Home

Saving up for your first home? Good on you! Here’s some advice from Henry in this real estate vlog on managing your own expectations and how to save for your deposit. Hi, I’m Henry for Remax. We’re here to talk about first home buyers. I was a first home buyer once and you just got…Read More→

Tell Your Real Estate Agent Your Story

When you’re buying a home, it’s a good idea to tell your real estate agent about yourself and your situation. This gives them insights into your motivation to buy the property, which they can pass on to the seller. In this real estate vlog Henry discusses why this can help you with securing the deal…Read More→

Selling Your Property Off Market

When you sell your home off-market, you don’t use and traditional advertising channels. This type of sale certainly has its place in the market and in this real estate vlog Henry discusses the pros and cons of going down this route. “Hi I’m Henry from Remax. We’re here today to talk about selling off market….Read More→

How Quality Marketing Attracts Quality Buyers

When you’re selling your home, you want to attract the right kind of buyers. Your marketing is the biggest step in doing this. Higher quality marketing attracts higher quality buyers. In this real estate vlog Henry explains how. “Hi. I’m Henry Wong for Remax. We’re here today to talk about the quality of your marketing…Read More→

An Election is Coming. Should you Sell?

The 2019 Australian federal election has been called for May 18th. Elections are always a tricky time for real estate, and this year looks no different, especially as negative gearing and capital gains tax have become politicised topics. Here’s Henry’s take. Hi, I’m Henry Wong from RE/MAX United Vision. We’re here to talk today about…Read More→

The Difference Between a Valuation and an Appraisal

 When you’re putting your home on the market, you need to have a good idea of it’s value. There’s a number of ways of finding this out, and in this vlog Henry talks about the differences between a valuation and an appraisal. Here’s what he has to say: Hi, I’m Henry Wong for Remax…Read More→

How to Choose the Right Real Estate Agent

Hi. I’m Henry Wong from RE/MAX United Vision. We’re here today to talk about how to choose an agent. You’re at that time when you’re thinking of selling your home. Your letter box has been flooded with pamphlets, flyers. You even have agents knocking on your door, even calling you. You’re just not sure which…Read More→

3 Reasons Your House isn’t Selling

When you’re selling your home or investment property, you don’t want it to be sitting stagnant on the market – you want to get it sold! In Brisbane’s current housing “climate”, you should expect that your property will have had inspections and offers within 30 to 60 days of being on the market. If this…Read More→