
Seller Activity Starting to Heat Up

real estate activity

We’ve followed a pretty non-traditional trajectory over the last year when you look at the Australian economy. 10 interest rate rises in a row have taken our cash rate to 3.60%, dizzying heights that we haven’t seen since 2012. With mortgages increasing and spending capacity becoming restricted, this is obviously going to have knock-on-effects on…Read More→

Is 2023 a Good Year to Sell Real Estate?

sell real estate

Pick up a newspaper you’re likely to come away with a pretty negative opinion about the Australian real estate market in 2023. Sure, interest rate rises and softening property prices may have given us a bit of a roller coaster ride of things lately. But at the Henry Wong Team®, we believe things aren’t as…Read More→

More Australians Looking to Downsize


In a changing marketplace resilient Australians are quick to change and adapt to get by. A development this year has been an increase in the number of people looking to downsize their homes. The Henry Wong Team® has helped many people downsize over the years, so this is an interesting statistic to us. Let’s look…Read More→

Why Power Networking Works in Real Estate

We’re in a digital age where anyone can throw something online and someone will buy it. It’s no different for houses. There are real estate portals like realestate.com.au where a property can be listed and sold. But is that the best way to go about finding the perfect buyer for a home? At getting the…Read More→

Are We in the Last Days of Rate Hikes?

interest rate hikes

There have been a few tough Tuesdays over the last year. As expected, after convening on the first Tuesday of February as they do every month, the Reserve Bank of Australia has just raised the cash rate by .25%. You’d expect we’d be used to this by now, as this is the ninth straight raise…Read More→

Making History in New Farm

oxlade sold

With the Henry Wong Team®, one thing is clear. No matter what suburb in Brisbane you’re selling in, our strategy gets results. The market may change, the area may change, but one thing is consistent. Happy sellers. We have just sold 14-128 Oxlade Drive in New Farm. Bear in mind this is an area where…Read More→

Foreign Buyer Interest Showing an Increase

Foreign real estate buyers

The shackles of covid are well and truly off, and foreigners are starting to show significant interest in our real estate market once again, according to the latest Proptrack report. As migration is set to increase to its pre-pandemic levels and higher, we can expect this interest to continue to grow and have positive effects…Read More→

Finding the Perfect Buyer for 19 Wyncroft Street

finding the perfect buyer

Selling real estate is all about finding a buyer for a house, right? That much seems obvious. What if we told you it’s actually a lot more complicated than that? The average agent can throw a listing up on the main real estate portals and hope it sells. Sometimes it won’t though, and sometimes it’ll…Read More→

$1,650,000 Street Record in Enoggera

9 Dalmarnock

9 Dalmarnock Street in Enoggera is an epic Queenslander, a beautiful heritage listed home sitting on an 809-m2 block of land. Two agents have tried to sell the home without success, the last one as recently as September 2022 (an auction that attracted no bidders). The Henry Wong Team® knew that this home was something…Read More→

The 2023 Mortgage Cliff in Australia

fixed rates to expire

2022 was a tough year for mortgage holders, particularly those on variable rates. The Reserve Bank of Australia increased the cash rate for a record eight months in a row. This means every month variable mortgage holders around Australia are paying more and more money, as the banks increase their interest rates in line with…Read More→

China Eases Travel Restrictions

China Eases Travel Restrictions

Last week we learned that, according to the Foreign investment Review Board, the biggest investor by far in Australian real estate is China. Between them and Hong Kong, they invest five times more than the next country on the list! China Borders Reopening Now, as of January 8th 2023, the Chinese borders are reopening. They’ve…Read More→

China the Biggest Foreign Buyer of Australian Real Estate

china australian real estate

In its first quarterly report ever, the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) has provided some very clear insights about Chinese investment into Australian residential real estate. The most striking fact is that no single country invests more into our real estate industry than China. In fact, between China and Hong Kong, they account for five…Read More→