
Finding the Perfect Buyer for 19 Wyncroft Street

finding the perfect buyer

Selling real estate is all about finding a buyer for a house, right? That much seems obvious. What if we told you it’s actually a lot more complicated than that? The average agent can throw a listing up on the main real estate portals and hope it sells. Sometimes it won’t though, and sometimes it’ll sell for less than it’s worth.

That’s because no effort has been put into finding the perfect buyer for the home. The buyer that falls in love with it and is willing to pay above and beyond to make it theirs.

At The Henry Wong Team®, our ultimate goal is to find the perfect buyer for every listing we bring to market. Over the many years we’ve been selling real estate we’ve fine-tuned our marketing strategy to do exactly that.

There are three important things. First, our large network. Second and third is creating the right narrative and then presenting the home in the right way. We want to talk about these and how we used them to achieve a record-breaking sale at 19 Wyncroft Street in Holland Park.

Our Large Network

We have bult up our large network over the years. It includes affluent personal and professional contacts, such as Henry’s personal accountant and financial planners on Eagle Street in Brisbane CBD. These contacts have their own network of affluent clients, who are also real estate buyers that then get recommended to us. It’s the same situation with the lawyers we deal with, across the real estate, litigation and family law sectors

We also work a lot with the wealthy Asian community, building relationships and creating contacts. Another cornerstone of our network is to be a part of BX Networking in South Brisbane, where we make valuable professional contacts.

Our network allows us to bring buyers to your property who may not have considered buying in your neighbourhood. Affluent buyers that don’t buy because they have to, they buy when they see an opportunity.

Crafting the Right Narrative

Storytelling is a powerful tool in the arsenal of a real estate agent. We believe that every home has a story, and we delve into this and craft a narrative for our marketing that appeals to the right buyers.

It’s a narrative designed to capture people’s attention and stick in their minds. That’s because stories, through their emotive qualities, are memorable.

Our sellers at 19 Wyncroft had been there for eight years. They have a lot of memories associated with the home, a lot of emotion and plenty of stories. We wanted to harness the unique aspects of the home that will be difficult for buyers to find elsewhere, and create a narrative that would show buyers what the next chapter of their lives could be like.

We do this by talking to the sellers, listening to their thoughts and what they’ve loved about living here. We also do it by presenting the home in a way that helps the story resonate with our perfect buyer. For this, home staging is essential.

Presenting the Home

As with all our properties, we teamed up with Heidi Fenton-Smith from Look Home Staging to help stage this home in a way that helps buyers really imagine their lives here. Heidi always does a great job, and we knew she’d knock it out of the park on this one.

This is a home with some exceptionally unique features, and it required staging that gave buyers insight into how they could use the spaces. For example, the central living and dining area on the ground level has a soaring void, with a huge skylight letting the natural light flood in and helping create a really grand feeling.

To retain that feeling, Heidi used larger proportioned furniture, while maintaining a seamless flow to allow people to pass through the space. She also used less actual pieces of furniture, so as not to detract from the lovely views of greenery out through the balcony.

We love how Heidi turned the parents retreat area into a glamourous and comfortable room that connected beautifully with the master bedroom. This really helps buyers to see what that space could be used for, which is so unique in a property.

With this house, Heidi created a journey through the entire property that invoked the emotion the sellers feel for their home. If you want to see more of the magic Heidi performed, have a look at the video below.

The Outcome at 19 Wyncroft

Through video and staging we wanted to craft the perfect narrative, one that showed the right buyer the features of this house that other houses don’t have. Our ideal buyer needed to be someone affluent who wanted to make a statement and buy a home they wouldn’t find anywhere else. A home that spoke to their individuality.

We found that perfect buyer.

The listing was only on the market for ten days before going to auction.

The home sold to an out-of-area buyer for a street record price of $1,900,000.

Most importantly, our sellers were able to move onto the next chapter in their lives with a big smile on their faces. We also had very happy buyers looking forward to their new lives at 19 Wyncroft.

Get in Touch with Henry

If you’re looking for a similar result and want to employ our marketing tactics and large network to get your home sold, please get in touch. Henry would love to help you find the perfect buyer!