
How to Unlock Real Estate Success? Appeal to the Right Target Market!

real estate success

You decide to sell your home. There’s tension and excitement, and a need to get things moving and see what the next chapter holds. 

The house goes on the market… and you wait, and wait, and wait. 

Weeks can go past, even months… still no sale. 

This is a problem often experienced by property vendors across Brisbane and Queensland. We regularly encounter frustrated sellers with properties not getting sold, which is exactly what our sellers of 82 Nancol Drive in Tallebudgera were.

Referred to The Henry Wong Team® by friends from their church, their property had been on the market for 107 days with one of Tallebudgera’s leading agents. It had become a massive burden for them, and they turned to us to help them get the deal done. 

Here’s how we unblocked real estate success for them. 

If the Marketing Isn’t on Point, the Home Won’t Sell

It’s easy to list a home for sale. You take some photos, chuck it up on the main property portals like realestate.com.au, and wait. 

That’s what most local real estate agents do, and it never equates to a fast and successful sale. 

There’s another way…

At The Henry Wong Team®, we believe every home is unique, and has its own story to tell. We make it our mission to identify that story, and tell it in a way that resonates with buyers. In this way, our marketing becomes a shining light, attracting the right kind of buyers like moths to a flame! 

82 Nancol Drive is a stunning home, absolutely unique in a fairytale kind of way, surrounded by nature and having a timeless appeal. We identified these and other positive aspects of the home to present to the buying public. 

We recommended the owners professionally stage the property in a country-manor style to complement the way the property itself is presented. Buyers needed to really feel this was a home they could live their dreams out in – a home that made every day feel like a holiday. That was part of the story we wanted to tell with this listing. 

The Wrong Target Market Won’t Buy Your Home

If you don’t want your home sitting on the market unsold, the listing needs to be targeted to the right market segment. There’s no point marketing a two bedroom home to a family, or a large block of land to downsizers. 

While 82 Nancol is a stunning home, it’s not overly large so wouldn’t be suited to a large family. Much of the garden is on a slope too, which probably wouldn’t appeal to parents of young kids. A single-child family would have enough room, but we figured it’s best suited to a couple, either young professionals or retirees looking to spend some years amongst nature.

So we customised our marketing to appeal to that market segment, amplifying the features that those kinds of buyers would find attractive. 

No Network, No Sale

Many real estate agents don’t have a network that stretches beyond their local area. They are very reliant on the main real estate portals for getting their listed property in front of buyers. 

Usually, that isn’t enough. Those portals are crowded, and although buyers searching in that particular area will come across the listing, there are many buyers who simply won’t know it exists. 

That’s where having a large network is a real estate agent’s biggest weapon. 

At the Henry Wong Team®, networking forms a huge cornerstone to our business efforts. We’ve built a huge referral network that spreads all across Australia and overseas too, with strong inroads into affluent Asian communities here and abroad. We’re able to leverage that network with each one of our listings. 

Allied with our sprawling network is our large, engaged social media following. The largest of these is nearly 12,000 Facebook followers. Having these followers all around Australia and the world means a property we sell is placed in front of exponentially more buyers than your average local agent can expect to reach. 

Happy Sellers Got the Sale They Needed! 

We were ecstatic that we could help our sellers, who are retirees, move onto the next stage of their lives successfully. In a short marketing campaign, we managed to achieve a sale price of $1.275-million. The buyers were a young professional couple with three pets and no kids (our exact target market), who were ecstatic to find a place surrounded by forest yet so close to the Gold Coast. 

We were also able to help the sellers negotiate a good price on the property they were moving into next. It was great to get them on their way to the next stage of their lives so successfully! 

We’d love to chat about our real estate sales and marketing methods, and how we can put them to work with selling your home. 

Don’t let your home sit on the market for weeks and weeks! Get in touch with The Henry Wong Team® today.