Need help keeping track of the school terms? Here’s how to figure out school holiday and term dates. Use this handy function from Google, explained by real estate agent Henry Wong.
Hi, I’m Henry Wong. Say you want to check out the school holidays, we go to our trusty friend Google here and we type in school holidays. Now with this first search result, make sure you click on the government website. So when I say government, as in the link at the end, says because they’re generally, basically always correct. We click on this. This is the department of education of Queensland and you can see the school holidays and term dates. One great thing is you can actually download these calendars as well, the school calendar here. And if you’re a teacher, teacher’s calendar. You can also have these calendars sync on your iOS or Android devices. You can click on iCalendar and there’s a list of instructions on how to subscribe to these iCalendar updates. It’s all automatic on your mobile phone, tablet or laptop or desktop computer. So that’s actually a good way to do it. There you go. This is actually how to find out what the school holidays and term dates are. If you have any questions at all about how to figure out school holiday and term dates, feel free to contact us.