Real estate agents should not rely purely on the main real estate portals if they want to be successful. In this video Henry Wong discusses how to get buyer enquiries through social media channels.
“Hi, Henry Wong here for Harcourts Beyond. I’m here to talk about social media when it comes to getting buyer inquiries. In addition to putting your home on the market on and domain, it’s very important that you also do some social media marketing. Let’s have a look at some of the sales that we’ve done in 2020.
As you can see, there’s 13 sales over here, they range houses from Upper Mount Gravatt, Mansfield, Wishart, Calamvale, Rochedale, so pretty much suburbs in south-east Queensland. And you can see we have the houses at 25 Prenzler Street with 91 social media inquiries, 82 Valencia Street, 143; 76 Garie Street, Wishart at 65, all the way down to 118 Parklands Circuit, Rochedale with 44 social media inquiries.
What I mean by social media inquiries, this is primarily from Facebook. We get inquiries from people on Facebook, with their first name, last name, email and mobile phone numbers, that are interested at the property that we’ve listed or advertised. So generally on average with these 13 properties last year, they were all sold using our signature framework, Your Next Chapter, and they were all sold within 20 days. When I say sold, I mean it’s unconditionally sold. No finance, no building and pest, no cooling-off period. And we’re averaging around about 60-plus social media inquiries. These are buyer inquiries in addition to and domain.
Now why I strongly emphasize this is because this is actually leveraging off our social media profile. If this was to be with someone else, the chances of you getting this many social media buyer inquiries is probably not there. It’s probably significantly less. This is something to really consider when you’re actually selling: the social media platform with regards to advertising your property to find buyers.”