
12 Altitude Street Makes the Courier Mail

12 altitude street rochedale

The Henry Wong Team® is currently undertaking an intensive marketing campaign for 12 Altitude Street in Rochedale before it goes to auction on Saturday the 3rd of September.  It’s a double-storey beauty on a massive 788-square-metre block in Arise Estates, and because of its size and immaculate design and build it’s been drumming up a lot of interest. So much, in fact, that it was featured in a recent Courier Mail article published on August 28th entitled “Hottest Brisbane Suburbs for Selling at Auction This Spring“. In the article Liz Tilley chats to the vendor, Juha Karppinen, about what he’s going to miss about this special home and why they believe going to auction will get them the best result.

The video below illustrates where to find the mention of this home in the article online:

Getting media coverage of a listing before it goes to auction is a powerful way of placing the home in front of more potential buyers. It’s something we always try to achieve at The Henry Wong Team®, leaning on our wide network of  journalists and other media professionals. To find out more about this exclusive home, here is the write-up. If you’d like to register your interest, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to answer your questions about 12 Altitude Street or other real estate in Rochedale and the south side of Brisbane.